American Shredder
Description of the E-Crane
American Shredder installed a 700 Series Model EC4290 E-Crane at their facility in Fort Worth, Texas to feed their 3000 hp shredder from a stationary position. The E-Crane was installed successfully and was up and running in less than two weeks. The scrap yard has a limited amount of real estate with only less than two acres of land. With the E-Crane’s ability to stockpile scrap much higher than conventional material handles, less land is required for scrap storage.
American Shredder also utilizes a “high infeed” shredder with a scrap chute, as opposed to a low infeed belt. The E-Crane is the only material handler with the ability to feed a shredder of this type. The high main pivot of the E-Crane also gives the operator great visibility into the shredder, and over the entire scrap yard operation. The ergonomic, multi-function joysticks inside the operator cab allow for precise placement and proportional control of all E-Crane functions, including the grab. The electric powered E-Crane was also chosen for its high efficiency and lower operation costs compared to typical diesel driven equipment. American Shredder has also seen a decrease in maintenance costs due to eliminating traveling gear, which is what had required the most maintenance in the past. Since the fixed E-Crane has the ability to reach the entire scrap pile and shredder from one position, there is no need to travel.