Author: Lieven Bauwens

In the Press: E-Crane® makes Galloo Ghent the fastest scrap terminal in the world

[frame link=”” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] GHENT – Through the windows of their office, Chief Executive Officer Bernard Beyne and Managing Director/CEO Rik Debaere of Galloo Recycling Group look out over their scrap terminal with satisfaction. The large, colourful mounds of scrap sit next to each other. It is an unusual view from an office, but that not a cause for concern. Galloo is, after all, doing very well. ...

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Found on the web: E-Crane Group opent opleidingscentrum en nieuw magazijn

E-Crane Group uit Adegem, die wereldwijd een stevige reputatie heeft verworven als bouwer van havenkranen, opende op 3 oktober in aanwezigheid van het voltallige personeel, het gemeentebestuur, de buren en externe partners een nieuw opleidingscentrum dat de naam “E-Crane Academy” meekreeg. Het beschikt over de nodige ruimte en de noodzakelijke tools om mensen zowel intern als extern te onderwijzen in de kraanbouw. Intern is dit de ideale locatie om pas aangeworven medewerkers op te leiden doch ook om special cases de nodige aandacht te kunnen bieden tijdens extra opleidingssessies. “Ook...

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E-Crane in the Press: Scrap Metal Monsters

Galloo-Gent is believed to be the only company in the world using two massive 430-tonne E-Cranes to sort and load scrap metal, writes Steven Vale. With subsidiaries in France and the Netherlands, an increasing proportion of the 1.7 million tonnes of scrap metal handled each year by the Galloo Recycling Group ends up in Belgium for export. Operating from a 10-hectare terminal in the port of Ghent, this site handles mainly ferrous metals and is visited by as many as 150 trucks a day. Most of the inward trucks carry waste from local manufacturing operations, but the site also processes a  significant...

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E-Crane: Perfectly balanced ship unloading solution

[frame link=”” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] The E-Crane is designed specifically for barge and ship unloading, and is a proven and trusted solution in many bulk material handling industries. Most dedicated systems for offloading coal, limestone and other bulk materials are costly, inflexible, and require an expensive, hard to maintain infrastructure. E-Crane’s versatility, reliability and flexibility...

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Picture of the Month – September 2014

[frame link=”” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] E-Towers, Glogow, Poland: Paint shop expansion project well underway! This third painting line is the closing stone of a 5,5 million Euro and 2 year long investment program. As of November 2014, E-Towers Famaba will be offering state-of-the-art solutions for new market challenges!

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E-Crane Group of Companies is moving forward

[one_half] [frame link=”” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] [/one_half] [one_half_last] Afgelopen vrijdag 3 oktober waren er bij de E-Crane Group of Companies te Adegem redenen genoeg tot het opzetten van een “kranig” feestje. Het voltallig personeel, het gemeentebestuur, externe partners, de buren,.. allen werden opgetrommeld om enkele belangrijke gebeurtenissen voor deze bouwer van havenkranen de nodige...

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Breaking News: E-Towers Famaba receives bronze medal in Vestas’ ‘Supplier of the Year’-contest.

It was an exciting experience last week when E-Towers Famaba was informed by Vestas management to be one of the six nominated companies for the ‘Supplier of the year Award 2014’. This prestigious Vestas award is based on criteria such as Delivery & Quality Performance, Development Ability, Continuous Improvement and Showing Extraordinary Effort and over 15.000 suppliers in Vestas’ worldwide supply chain are evaluated. Last Thursday evening it was Mr. Piotr Małagocki and Mr. Dennis Thomsen who participated in the final event where the award winning suppliers were...

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Found on the web: Mälarhamnar continues to invest for efficient handling

Each day we are challenged in our ports. Our customers demand faster and more flexible handling so it is very important that we are well equipped with the best maximum efficiency in our daily activities! New E-Crane ready for new challenges! A large investment was made in the beginning of summer, when we bought a new E-Crane, which is located in Koping. E-Cranes mounted for a few weeks and is now ready for new challenges! E-crane used for heavy and bulk handling. Found on the web: Mälarhamnar

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E-Crane is heating up South-America

3 New E-Cranes Installed in South America in late Summer E-Crane has had a very busy end to the summer with three new E-Crane installations taking place back to back in South America.  All three cranes are being used for grain handling operations at facilities located in Argentina.  One E-Crane is installed at CHS, Inc. to unload Mississippi and Paraná sized barges into a hopper nearby on the dock.  The other two new E-Cranes are installed together on a single barge at a UABL facility.  The barge acts as midstream transfer system to move grain from material barges to...

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E-Crane Technology Showcase 2014

We are pleased to announce plans for a E-Crane Technology Showcase to be held December 3rd – December 5th, 2014 in New Orleans Louisiana USA. This will take place alongside the International Workboat Show (IWBS) held during the same week at the New Orleans Convention Center. The Workboat Show is the largest Marine trade show in North America serving the people and businesses working on both inland and coastal waterways. Over the course of three days, 1000 vendors will exhibit their products and services to more than 7000 expected attendees. This week will be an opportunity to learn more...

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Picture of the Month – August 2014

[frame link=”” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] E-Crane @work: Reaching for the sky is what we do…”

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E‑Crane Worldwide

Koekoeklaan 53
9991 Adegem

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T +32 9 378 04 44

Bureau of International Recycling
The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)