Author: Lieven Bauwens

Shiploader for bagged goods

General The shiploader for bagged goods is a mobile installation on the quay with telescopic boom. The basic boom has a head lattice construction that contains the supporting rollers, the lantern gear drive and the cable pulleys of the suspension of the boom.The telescopic part of the boom carries on the front the complete spiral chute and the hydraulic cylinder for keeping the chute in upright position.With this loading installation, the entire ship’s hold can be covered without the need to shift the ship during loading.The loading process is done by moving the entire installation...

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Sowarec, specialist in recupereren en recycleren/spécialiste de la récupération et du recyclage

Sowarec, specialist in het recupereren en recycleren van metalen / spécialiste de la récupération et du recyclage de métaux, fait appel au rail SOWAREC (of Société Wallonne de Récupération), een dochter van de firma Galloo, gespecialiseerd in het recycleren van ferro- en non-ferrometalen, verwijdert milieuonvriendelijke stoffen uit afgedankte voertuigen. Zodra de wrakken schoon zijn, gaan ze via het spoor naar Menen waar ze worden vermalen. Daarna is het metaal bruikbaar in de staalindustrie. “De firma SOWAREC is een jaar geleden opgestart in Ghislenghien”, zegt Claudio Rodeghiero,...

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New Barge Unloading Facility for Progress Energy Carolinas Features E-Crane

New Barge Unloading Facility for Progress Energy CarolinasFeatures E-Crane® Photo Captions: Aerial: As the E-Crane at the Progress Energy Sutton Plant offloads coal from barges in the shallow water along the Cape Fear River onto an 855-ft. conveyor system for the final leg of the trip to the plant’s coal yards, it routinely outpaces the takeaway conveyor Opportunity was waiting for Progress Energy Carolinas’ Sutton Plant in Wilmington, N.C. The plant was fueled exclusively by domestic coal brought in by rail car, and the rapidly increasing cost of U.S. coal and escalating rail freight...

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Dan Shaw, ECI Parts Manager, bowled a perfect game!

On March 12, 2003 Dan Shaw, ECI Parts Manager, bowled a perfect game! This is quite rare and consists of 12 strikes in a row. Ten strikes in a row and two more in the bonus 10th frame. Wow! Dan bowls on the Wednesday night Merchants League on the “E-Crane™” team. He carries a year to date average of 209 per game. Dan has bowled for approximately 25 years and is an excellent bowler… leading the team with the highest average. This is his first career “300” game. The league and bowling establishment is sanctioned by the ABC (American Bowling Congress) Author:...

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Feedback from our Sales Manager Bas Tolhuizen, visiting the Holcim cement plant

Feedback from our Sales Manager Bas Tolhuizen, visiting the Holcim cement plant in Bangladesh / Feedback van onze Sales Manager Bas Tolhuizen, op bezoek bij Holcim in Bangladesh Mr. Kzan Ce Chung, ‘vice president technical’, was extremely pleased with the erection process and the professional support and can-do attitude from our erection supervisor Mr. Jean-Marie Verschoore. This E-Crane™ (a 700-series, type 4248PD-E) has now been working for more than 2800 hours. The average off-loading capacity is well above 200 tons per hour, including the clean-up in the ships...

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Transport and shipping a new 2000 Series E-Crane™

Another impressive 2000-series E-Crane leaves our assembly workshop for South-America ! — Carefull planning and perfect cooperation between our shipping department, the workshop and the trucking company are required. Total shipping weight of boom and link is 50 tons (110.000 lbs.). — Workshop Manager Luc and Service Engineer Hendrik just completed the final checks befor this 2000-series E-Crane left our facility. Another on-time delivery… Congratulations to all for their contribution… Click the image(s) to enlarge

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Transport and shipping a new 2000 Series E-Crane™

Another impressive 2000-series E-Crane leaves our assembly workshop for South-America ! — Carefull planning and perfect cooperation between our shipping department, the workshop and the trucking company are required. Total shipping weight of boom and link is 50 tons (110.000 lbs.).     — Workshop Manager Luc and Service Engineer Hendrik just completed the final checks befor this 2000-series E-Crane left our facility. Another on-time delivery… Congratulations to all for their contribution…                   Click the image(s)...

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From our local correspondent. The Atlantic Diving crane is running flawlessly.

The Atlantic Diving crane is running flawlessly. The second coal ship arrived on Wednesday morning. The conveyor belt is running at maximum speed and the hopper chute wide open… even with this the E-Crane™ can keep the hopper full. The operator fills the hopper and then has time to work cleaning sides of the barge while it discharges. According to Frank Hargreaves on site, is that the “E-Crane™ is discharging 4 grabs in 80 seconds” !! That’s 1000 ton per hour with a 1000 Series machine! Wow! The coal is being transloaded from the ship to the barges...

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Coal Transloading Terminal Opens in the Heart of the Inland River System

The new Calvert City Terminal, developed by Southern Coal Handling Company, an established coal handling, engineering, and operations organization, in conjunction with Ashley Capital, LLC, a national financing and development company, provides a new gateway for receiving, blending, and transloading western coals and Illinois Basin coals. The new partnership, known as SCH Services, LLC, has made the Calvert City Terminal the first of what is expected to be several large-scale bulk material handling facilities. The Terminal, to be known as Calvert City Terminal, is located at Mile 14 on the...

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