Author: Lieven Bauwens

Bulk Terminal Operations

The Premier Materials Handling of Bulk Commodities Conference & Exhibition World Trade Centre, Rotterdam, 26 & 27 March 2002. Bulk Terminal Operations Conference Coverage : Ports and Terminals Terminals Finance Development Risk Management Trade and Shipping Materials handling Visit the website at Visit E-Crane International Europe (In cooperation with Doornbos) at Booth #20 (Straight ahead at the Entrance to the Exhibition)

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Transport is in Full Swing!

Transport is in full swing ! The twin 1500-series E-Cranes for Global are leaving our workshop. Another milestone is reached as these cranes are the first two E-Cranes leaving our assembly shops in Adegem (Belgium) for South-America !!! Transport towards the harbor of Antwerp started at 13th of march. All permits for the exceptional tranports are in place. 15 truckloads require carefull planning by our shipping department (Mr. Van Vooren, Mrs. Van Gemst) and a close cooperation between all parties involved. However the truckdrivers from ‘Adriaensens Transport’...

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ECI-Europe celebrates its 10 years of existance

ECI-Europe (EMTi) celebrates its 10 years of existance February 2002, E-Crane International Europe b.v. in the Netherlands, did meet a recognizable milestone and celebrated their 10 year of existence. The company – EMTi b.v.- was originally founded with as purpose the representation and rendering of additional assistances and services to the general crane industry. After six successful years of fulfilling their purpose and giving the required services to this industry in 1997, EMTi, being convinced of the enormous potential of this machine teamed up with Indusign in Belgium the engineering...

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E-Crane Rally Team Website

The E-Crane™ Rally Team has now its own Website Visit this site for the latest information, announcements,… of the E-Crane™ Rally Team Het E-Crane™ Rally Team heeft nu zijn eigen Webstek Voor de laatste nieuwsberichten, aankondigingen van deelnames aan rally’s etc …  

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Major colli (31 pcs) for transport of 2 E-Cranes

March 4, 2002 Our Production facility is preparing transport colli for 2 E-Cranes, both 1000 Series, Model 10264 PD-E… The Indusign production facility is preparing a major colli of 31 pieces (2 E-Cranes) for transport to Venezuela, South America.  Onze produktie eenheid bereidt het transport voor van 2 evenwichtskranen, beiden 1000 Series, Model 10264 PD-E..    De Indusign produktie eenheid bereidt een grote colli (31 eenheden) voor van een transport van 2 evenwichtskranen naar Venezuela, Zuid-Amerika.

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New E-Crane™ Operational at Van Heyghen Recycling (Ghent, Belgium)

New E-Crane™ Operational at Van Heyghen Recycling (Ghent, Belgium) Story not yet available in English Nieuwe E-CraneT operationeel bij Van Heyghen Recycling (Gent) Van Heyghen * jaren 80 * selectie E-Crane™ * 3d simulaties * levering/montage * inbedrijfname De schrootindustrie is een zeer competitieve sector ! Een sector waarin de know-how van alle logistieke processen van doorslaggevend belang is om succesvol te zijn en te blijven. Het hoeft geen betoog dat het verhandelen en verwerken van schroot een zeer complex en specialistisch gebeuren is, waarbij de ingezette...

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Another 1000 Series E-Crane™ is succesfully installed …

 Another 1000 Series E-Crane™ is succesfully installed … Another 1000 Series E-Crane™ is succesfully installed and put into service after carefull inspection and extensive testing by SGS-belgium. All test were carried out in close cooperation with the terminals management, crane operators, SGS and Jean-Marie Verschoore fromIndusign. This E-Crane™ is used in a huge scrapyard at the Duferco steelmill at La Louvière, Belgium. With a reach of over 38 meters (117 feet) and a lift capacity of 6 Mtons (6,6 UStons) this crane will be used 24/24-7/7, filling scrap...

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Once upon a time people looked for material handling solutions…

Once upon a time people looked for material handling solutions: (or The evolution of material handling) Once upon a time in the dark ages people thought this was “state of the art” , but it is time to say goodbye ! Then in medieval times people used this type of machine. But is was made for lifting. It is now worn out..tired.. can’t get parts. takes an artist to operate.. who is also worn out and tired of it . slow… time to let it go. Still trying to make a material handler out of lift crane? Give it up! Made for lifting. 50 years ago. Expensive Slow...

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Picture Set of the superb transport job

Picture Set of the superb transport job ( the long Boom and huge Counterweight of this 1000 Series, Model 6382 E-Crane™ ) by transport company Adriaensen, Arendonk, Belgium.Foto Serie van het buitengewoon uitgezonderd transport (van de zeer lange hoofdarm en groot tegengewicht (Ballast) van deze Serie 1000, Model 6382 E-Crane™) door transporteur Adriaensen, Arendonk, Belgie. ​                          

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New Years Reception at the Indusign Office

Executive Director Lieven Bauwens (left) and Hans d’Ancona (right)  Bas Tolhuizen (left), Filip Van Cauwenbergh (middle) and WebMasterPedro Wittevrongel (right) The Purchase/Office Department, having a chat and drink with Executive Director Lieven Bauwens.From left to right : Patricia Chaves Daguilar, Jean DePraetere, Lieven Bauwens, Nicole Maenhout and Marleen van Gemst.   Members of the Indusign crew having a conversation with people of the European sales departments

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Koekoeklaan 53
9991 Adegem

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The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)