Dry commissioning of the second transhipper for Loreto in full swing
In close cooperation with our valued customer Loreto (a fully owned subsidiary of CITIC Pacific) E-Crane senior engineers Paul Hebberecht and Michael Hamerlinck have successfully completed the dry commissioning of Magdragon 2, the second transhipper at the Nantong Tongmao shipyard.
It’s expected that later this summer this second transhipper will join her sister vessel Magdragon 1 at the port of Cape Preston, West Australia.
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Headquartered in Hong Kong, CITIC Pacific is 58% owned by CITIC Group in Beijing and has shareholders around the world. CITIC Pacific is a diversified company, with a primary focus on special steel manufacturing, iron ore mining and property development in mainland China.
These three business areas together constituted over 70% of total assets at the end of 2011. CITIC Pacific has a team of professionals who have deep knowledge of and expertise in developing and operating businesses in China, Hong Kong and Australia.