E-Crane and ING: A Long Lasting Client Relationship
The international network of ING has proven to be a benefit to E-Crane. E-Crane is a major client of ING, working directly with Patrick Roegiers, the relationship manager of ING. E-Crane, is primarily a manufacturer of cranes for bulk material handling, but has also recently become a leading manufacturer of windmills with the acquisition of a company called Famaba. Famaba, located in Poland, has had a long standing partnership with E-Crane, making all of the steel construction for the main E-Crane components. In addition to this Famaba is also producing the circular steel structures found on windmills.
E-Crane greatly appreciates working with Patrick and values the excellent communication with ING. Bauwens said, “When my client visited Poland, it appeared that my colleagues over there were fully up to date. He didn’t have to explain anything multiple times. It was, as he put it, like we were all a team.”